Disability Insurance FAQs


Disability Insurance can raise many questions for those who are not familiar with this type of coverage. It can also be difficult to find answer to all of your questions in one area. Human resources staff at your place of work may be to busy to give you answers and the internet can be full of questionable content. Our advisors have compiled a list of Disability Insurance FAQs so that you can find what you are looking for in one spot.

Disability Insurance FAQs

Q: What is Disability Insurance?

A: Disability Insurance is a type of insurance that pays part of the insured person’s income when he can not work due to a disability, illness, or injury. This type of coverage can also be called: Income Insurance or Disability Income Insurance.

This insurance can be for a short or long period of time. It can be purchased through your work or by a independent advisor.

Q: When do I get to file a claim for Disability Insurance?

A: If something happens to you that is covered by your Disability Insurance that prevents you from working and you can file a claim. Contact your job, human resources contact OR your independent advisor that helped you become insured. They can tell you what to do next.

Q: What are some things that can prevent me from working?

A: Car accident, sporting accident, falling from the stairs, broken limbs, sudden illnesses, sudden diseases, maternity leave, bodily injuries, etc. This is not an all inclusive list.

Q: Do I need to pay to apply?

A: No, you don’t. In order to apply, you need to reach out to an independent advisor or your place of employment and they can help you apply. Advisors often have more flexibility and time in answering your Disability Insurance questions. This first thing that needs to be done is to pick an insurance company and fill out an application online. You do not need to send any payment with your application.

Q: Is Disability Insurance “one size fits all”?

A: No, it’s not. These types of policies can be customized to your lifestyle and budget. Various benefits and options can be added as well.

Our advisors have many more answers to your Disability Insurance FAQs and would love to discuss your individual situation and get you covered. Contact us today at (800) 788-8921 or use our Contact Form so that we may connect with you.Disability Insurance FAQs


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