Disability Insurance and Breadwinning Women


Bread-Winning-WomenMore and more these days, women are the breadwinners of their family. This gives women the more reason to protect their income as the main provider for the family. By protecting your income with Disability Insurance, you can safeguard your family from possible debt and home foreclosure due to not being able pay bills and your house mortgage that could come from not working. A care accident, work accident, or debilitating disease could prevent you from working your job and earning an income to provide for your family.

Benefits For You and Your Family

With a Disability Insurance policy in place, you can be assured that your bills and expenses of daily living will be taken care of and more importantly prevent debt and home foreclosure.

This video discusses women as the breadwinners for their family and tips to manage the changing gender roles in their relationship:

Sorry the video is hosted on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) website, and it has a 30 seconds commercial.

Act Now 

To discuss your options for Disability Insurance, please fill out our Contact Form or call us at (800) 877-8921 to speak with an agent. Our experienced advisors can answer your questions and help you with the application process.


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